

Institut Thématique Interdisciplinaire (ITI) TRANSPLANTEX NG Institut Thématique Interdisciplinaire (ITI) TRANSPLANTEX NG
TRANSPLANTEX NG est l’Institut de Médecine de Précision de Strasbourg axé sur les maladies allo-immunes (transplantation) et auto-immunes. Grâce à une équipe multidisciplinaire totalisant plus de 200 personnes avec des expertises allant de la biologie structurale aux sciences sociales/humaines, ces pathologies sont abordées par une initiative sans précédent de médecine personnalisée à haut-débit basée sur des approches multi-omiques.
Fédération de Médecine Translationnelle de Strasbourg (FMTS) Fédération de Médecine Translationnelle de Strasbourg (FMTS)
La FMTS regroupe l’ensemble des acteurs de la recherche du campus biomédical de Strasbourg. La fédération facilite les échanges scientifiques et l'animation autour de quatre grandes thématiques pilotés chacune par un binôme clinicien-chercheur: (1) Immunologie et infection, (2) Neurosciences/neurologie/psychiatrie, (3) Robotique et biomatériaux, (4) Oncologie.
HealthTech ITI HealthTech ITI
HealthTech is one of the 15 Interdisciplinary Thematic Institutes (ITI), funded by the University of Strasbourg, together with its partners CNRS and Inserm, under the aegis of the Excellence Initiative (IdEx) program. HealthTech aims at developing an international pole of excellence in the field of innovation in Medicine, Digital Healthcare and Computer Assisted Interventions.
The IMCBio graduate school is committed to cultivating future research leaders with a focus on both scientific and soft skills. They aim to empower students to develop expertise at the intersections of biology. This is achieved through interconnecting research and education at the Master and PhD levels. The school is structured around four main research clusters that unite five research institutes (LabEx), encompassing diverse areas of biology. Access to cutting-edge technological platforms enhances research capabilities and fosters a vibrant international environment. Furthermore, the University of Strasbourg's "European Campus" facilitates international collaboration and mobility for students. Opportunities for internships and specialized PhD training abroad are also available. IMCBio is affiliated with ITI IMCBio+, further strengthening its network and resources.
Fondée en 1911 à Düren, MACHEREY-NAGEL est alors fabricant spécialisé de papiers filtres. Depuis, la société MACHEREY-NAGEL est devenue une entreprise innovante, d’envergure mondiale, spécialisée dans le domaine de l'analyse chimique et biomoléculaire.
Institut du Médicament de Strasbourg Institut du Médicament de Strasbourg
The IMS is an Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute (ITI) of the University of Strasbourg which rests on 3 founding pillars federating its research (Médalis), training (EURidis) and innovation/promotion (INEdis) activities, all centered on the discovery and development of new drugs.
Merck Merck
Founded in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668, Merck is the oldest chemical and pharmaceutical company in the world. It is a major global player in cutting-edge technologies in the fields of health, life sciences and high-performance materials.
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